Leveraging the Storage Access API

The persistence service (PS) needs to access first party, non-partitioned storage to be able to remember chosen IdPs across different SPs. Recent developments in browser technology, designed to protect end user’s privacy, mean that to do so, the PS will have to make use of the Storage Access API.

The Storage Acces API allows javascript code in a third party context (e.g. in an iframe, as is the case for the PS) to prompt the end user for permission to access first party storage. This API can only be used from code in the third party context, and can only be called in reaction to an end user interaction with some UI element in the third party context. In addition, to be able to use the API, the user must have previously visited the third party origin in a first party context.

Note that at this point, to test the Storage Access API in chrome and chromium derivatives, the end user has to enable the flag “third party cookie phaseout”. To do this, enter chrome://flags in the address bar, and then look for “third party cookie phaseout”, enable it, and restart the browser.

Previously, the PS ran in an iframe that was fully invisible, with no elemets exposed in the UI. This is no longer possible, if we want to leverage the Storage Access API; the PS will need to expose some element in the UI. For the moment, this element is a checkbox. The integrator using the PS client in their code will need to decide where to expose it. So the call to the constructor for the client for the PS can take a new parameter, a DOM locator, pointing to some element in the UI to which the checkbox will be appended.

The behaviour of the checkbox only affects the way user choices are persisted.

  • If the third party origin (the PS origin) has not been visited (in the current or in previous browser sessions) and thus the API cannot be used, the checkbox will be loaded unchecked.

  • With the checkbox unchecked, no attemp at persistence is made.

  • If the user checks the checkbox, but the PS origin has not been visited in a first party context, there will be local (partitioned) persistence: the choice of IdP will be remembered per SP. On a subsequent load, the checkbox will be unchecked.

  • When the user has visited the PS origin in a first party context (e.g. the user has visited the discovery service (DS)), the checkbox will be loaded unchecked. If the user checks it, the Storage Access API will be called, and the user will be prompted for storage access permission.

  • If the user grants the permission, any choices stored in local, partitioned storage will be moved to global, unpartitioned storage, and subsequently there will be global persistence. The checkbox will then on subsequent visits load checked.

  • If the user denies the permission, there will only be local persistence for a period of time (30 days) until the API allows prompting the user for storage access permission again.

  • In any case, there will be persistence (global or local) when the checkbox is checked.

Accessing the SeamlessAccess persistent storage through Storage Access API

As mentioned above, first we create an element which will hold the PS checkbox, and then provide the PS constructor with a selector for the element.

This is an example of accessing the PS. The client page will have some HTML similar to:

<p><span id="ps-checkbox-holder"><span/> Remember my choice</p>

Then we call the constructor:

import {PersistenceService} from "@theidentityselector/thiss-ds/src/persist.js";

const ps = PersistenceService(
        selector: '#ps-checkbox-holder',

// do something with `ps`

Now we can do things with the ps object, see the PS API api/persist

The changes to code using the DiscoveryService class are similar, since it includes a PersistenceService property. Firt we would add some HTML element to hold te checkbox, and the provide the constructor with a selector for the element:

var ds = new DiscoveryService(
        selector: "#ps-checkbox-holder",

And now we can do things with the ds object, see the DS API api/discovery

Event signalling that the end user has granted storage access persmission

When an advanced integration exposes the persistence service checkbox, and an end user clicks on it and grants storage access, the persistence service will emit a post-message event with id storage-access-granted, that the top level host site can listen to, for example to retrieve persisted entities, now that they can access them. For example:

postRobot.on('storage-access-granted', {window: ds.ps.dst}, function(event) {
    ds.ps.entities(ds.context).then(function(result) {
        if (result && result.data) {
            // do something with the entities in result.data

Exposing the checkbox after the persistence service is loaded

There may be cases where the advanced integrator may want to expose the persistence service checkbox in an element that is not visible on page load, for example in a modal that is opened in response to an end user interaction. In this case, we need to append the checkbox after the modal has loaded and is exposing the element to which the checkbox is to be attached. So we would first instantiate the persistence service without providing it with a locator:

import {PersistenceService} from "@theidentityselector/thiss-ds/src/persist.js";

const ps = PersistenceService('https://use.thiss.io/ps/');

Then, at the time of displaying the element that will contain the checkbox, we need to call PersistenceService.show_checkbox(selector: string). In this case, if we want to handle the storage-access-granted post-message event, we have to set the handler after calling show_checkbox (since show_checkbox will change ps.dst):

someButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    // Code to display element with id "checkbox-sa-holder"
    // ...
    // Then attach checkbox to it:
    postRobot.on('storage-acccess-granted', {window: ds.ps.dst}, function(event) {
        // Do something